Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Go! Toledo

What a great group of guys -- pastors from in and around Toledo. This morning, sitting around the table at Bob Evans were Brad, Bill, Josh, Josh, Mark, Charles and Keith. All interested in serving the people of Toledo, Ohio.
Here's the deal: altho most of us are "Suburban dudes", we want to use our positions to bless our neighbors in Toledo. We represent churches from all different denominations and styles and we're working together!
Here's what we're afraid of: being the cavalry that rides in on a white horse, impresses the neighborhood, and then run off into a cloud of dust. We don't want to do that. We want to "move into the neighborhood" the best way we can. We want to be in for the long haul. To encourage, love, work together, laugh together, cry together and learn together! Instead of the cavalry, we represent the cross of Calvary! It was Jesus first, who "moved into the neighborhood" -- I'm so glad he did!
I look forward to GOing into Toledo. Pray for us!

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