Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Coffee Place

Wow - what a staff and high capacity volunteers!

Yesterday, Linda held a meeting where we tried to solve the age old mystery of assimilating new people into the church.
During the meeting, we discovered that we have no "mid-size" environments, where new people can get to know us personally. It's a bit much to expect them to jump from a "big" worship service into a "small" group or class. That would be intimidating to most.
So the idea, was to create a relaxed place where people can hang out, without pressure.
Coffee is obviously the answer.
So, the group decided to establish a sort of "half-time cafe" - open between our Sunday morning services, especially designed with new people in mind. Then, they said: "Let's do it - now!"
Of course, me being the voice of reason said "Shouldn't we at least wait one week?" They denied my attempt at moving slow, saying things like "You've taught us well, you should be proud!"
I went to my office and they ran and built a cafe.
So, if you've not made the jump to one of our Christian Ed. classes - why not drop in for some coffee!


Diane said...

I forwarded this on to my youth/asst. pastor who is in charge of the contemporary stuff at our church. He loved the idea but had some questions about moving people into small groups. I just wanted to give you a heads-up in case he contacts you.

Crydo said...

Cool - neat!

Jon said...

Great Idea, although it is hard for me to believe you weren't "hinting" for a coffee spot before now. :)