Monday, December 15, 2008


God answers prayer!
So, I've been praying recently, that God would give me someone to get to know and help them along in their journey to Jesus. I just don't know any unchurched people - I've only been here a few months.
So, I'm out jogging. About mile 3.5. Blinding snowstorm. I'm running down a little road between two massive farm fields - and I notice a truck up ahead, pulling over to the side of the road.
As I approace, I notice the guy is wearing camo and fishing around in the back of his truck.
He's gonna go hunting.
I stop and chat. And find out that he's hunting coyote!
Wow -- I've never hunted coyote before.
So, as he's telling me about his occasional "big hunts" with a bunch of his friends, I boldly make the ask: "I want in on this - it sounds fun!" Well, he could have plinked me with his .270 right there, but instead, he gave me his card and said that I could join them.
This is what is called "purpose driven hunting".


alex said...

way to go mark!

Heidi Lee said...

You've got guts. Good job. I love your "on fire" spirit.

glennteal said...

Coyote Killing for Christ...
Holy Hunting...
Fully Devoted carnage...

The possibilities are endless.