Well, I'm used to thinking, and writing about opportunities to help people in need.
I'm usually swinging the hammer, or using the duct tape - at least I'm holding someone's tool bag for them...
But this time, I'm on the receiving end.
The other day, I called Master Plumber Don Luke from Canton, MI - a great friend from the olden days... because I needed some advice on fixing a leaky faucet.
Don replied: "You can wait, and I'll come help you. Or, you could try to fix it, break it, and then call me and I'll come help you."
Since those were my choices I decided to wait. So this morning, Don and Annette were in town and they dropped by.
We talked, had some coffee, ran to the store, and in just a bit, had the sink and shower all perfect.
I say "we" loosely. Don did the work. I talked, drank coffee and held the duct tape just in case.
Just a reminder: Jesus said "Whatever you've done for the least of these, you've done for me." Sometimes it's okay to be the "least of these."
Thanks Don!
Love this. And when it comes to home improvement, Mike and I are definitely the "least of these" too. :o) Good to have handy friends!
Won't be drinking coffee much longer will you?
Very nice.
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