Thursday, September 16, 2010


Well, yesterday was good. I rode my bike, with saddlebags full of clothes, to Bucky's to breakfast with the men. After - I rode to church and changed my clothes - and had an awesome work day. We're rethinking the way we do groups around here, and elevating the value of community - and so I conducted a few meetings today with our small group leaders, brainstorming on a new way and emphasis. What a great group of people, who heartily jumped into the convo!
Then, back on my bike and a nice ride home - the long route, which took me by the skate park where I munched on a snack and worked on the sermon a bit. Then home for dinner.
Evening meetings filled up the rest of the day - but being in the sunshine a bit was way good.


Kulio said...

I think you should try the skate park next time.

And then blog about it.

p.s. don't wear pads or a helmet the after-story will be better.

Heidi Lee said...

I think you need to post more...

I really love your blog.