Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This weekend we start a new series: Doors.
Over the next few weeks we'll talk about the need for identity repair, a need to be released from whatever might enslave you, an increased capacity to love, and finding a personal relationship with Jesus. And we hope to help you walk through the symbolic door that helps you find freedom! And on Easter weekend, everyone will get a chance to... well - I don't want to spoil the fun! This week: Identity Repair!
Hmm, I wonder what music we'll use...?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Finally, a new post!

Well, this week we finish the series: When the Game is Over it All Goes Back in the Box.

It's been a fun journey: We started out with an amazing video and report from Haiti - and we were reminded that generosity is the path to real life!

Who can forget the giveaways? An Apple, 20$, and an Ipod Nano? Even I became a little envious of the gal who received the Nano - how come she's got that and I don't? Everything we own is a gift from God for us to manage! And remember as we handed our wallets to each other - and then I teased you to "dig deep and give generously". You all laughed, nervously. I'll not forget that all I have is a gift from God - it's not really mine - so giving should be easy.

But how easily our stuff makes us hungry for more stuff! And more stuff just makes us more busy, so last week we talked about Margin - the 10-10-80 rule. There is a kingdom that promises satisfaction and lives up to that promise!

And so we wrap it up this Sunday, talking about our Priorities. If you're like me, you get stuck spending your life under the Tyranny of the Urgent, when there are more important (tho less urgent) things to do. I think you'll agree, I'd rather do that which is important, rather than that which is urgent - but sometimes they get mixed up. Let's fix that this weekend!

I can't wait!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

And Back to the Pass!

Here's Ted.

Ted is leading our next trip to "the Pass".

Ted is a Mississippi Veteran - He's gone on a bunch of trips, plus he helped build the barn last summer!

Here's what I like about Ted: He does not push his way to the front, but works on whatever job is presented to him. He just serves. I love that.

And I also love seeing others lead - Thanks Ted!

I can't wait to serve alongside you again, in Mississippi!

The trip is February 10-17 and will be another exciting adventure! Yay!